After the success of AV13 The Alternative View returns to the Leonardo Hotel, Milton Keynes in May 2024 for another one day multi-speaker conference. AV14 has that a fantastic speaker line-up that will inform and entertain you and stimulate your higher mind.
The Leonardo has a spacious event room which can comfortably seat 250 people. It also has
a fresh modern restaurant which allows us to offer a combined ticket and buffet lunch option. We recommend booking early to guarantee your place at this premier alternative information event. Come for the day, stay at the Leonardo or stay locally. The choice is yours.Riding the WaveThe title of AV14 was inspired by the idea that energetic changes are happening in our galaxy and the possibility that a wave of an electromagnetic, spiritual or consciousness nature is starting to hit the Earth. Such a wave may offer the opportunity for mankind to partake in an awakening and to see beyond the veil. If we learn to ride the wave and embrace it we have the chance for a better future. Of course this would not be welcomed by the ruling classes and their attempts to shut it down would require them to upgrade their control systems using orchestrated chaos. Much like the chaos we see almost daily now.Gary Fraughen is once again your host. Gary will be hosting, presenting and delivering his rounding up comments as the event closes. AV14 aims to deliver a fantastic conference experience for all to enjoy and remember.
After the forthcoming AV14 Conference we will be changing the format of our events. AV14 will be the last conference in its current form. Come along and enjoy it and make some great memories before the format changes.
The AV Team and speakers look forward to seeing you in person. Let us come together and be around like-minded souls in these times of great change and great challenge.
Tickets and booking:
The Alternative View ConferenceSunday 26th May 2024
Use promotional code MILES10 for a discount when booking.
Speakers and Presentations
Richard Vobes
From Saving Our Heritage to Saving the Planet.
Wendy Stacey
Preparing for a New World Consciousness
Ian Simpson Invisible Sky
How Climate Engineering is Hacking Humanity as Well as Our Weather.
Lucy Wyatt
A Journey Through the Duat
Dr Manjir Samanta Laughton
Space Weather and the Fossil Fuel Fallacy.
Johan Oldenkamp
The Giza Star Clock and the Transition of the Ages.
Gary Fraughen
The New Ownership of Ourselves in the Great Reset.
Read More and Buy Tickets at:
